Saturday, June 24, 2006

Good Analysis of the Coalition Deal

RFE's Jan Maksymiuk did a helpful piece explaining the basics of the coalition agreement here.

In the second, more analytical part of the piece, he sounded one warning I completely agree with:
Our Ukraine's proposal that Petro Poroshenko, Tymoshenko's fiercest enemy in the 2005 feud within the then-Orange coalition, take the post of parliamentary speaker seems to be an ill-advised "parliamentary check" on Tymoshenko as the head of the cabinet. There is a great likelihood that the former rivalry between these two might start anew, plunging the new coalition once again into recriminations and quarreling.
. . .Have not had time to do any blogging or vlogging this week after getting back from my trip, as Latvia "goes nuts" celebrating the Summer Solstice this week every year, and I have been very busy either performing myself this week with the folk group Skandinieki or looking after Julija while her mama performs . . .am recovering today from an all-night celebration of Solstice with the Skandinieki and their friends. . .Latvians often refer to Summer Solstice as Ligo or Jaņi (as Ukrainians call it Ivana Kupala, the first name coming from the Xtian calender/attempt to co-opt the pre-Xtian holiday). . .Ligo is one of the best times of the year to visit Latvia, especially if you can celebrate it with pagany, spiritual, folkloristic, nationally-oriented Latvians, rather than with those just looking for an excuse to party. . .but party and drink we did, along with the deep spirituality of the event!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

2 Articles

I am back from my little Central to Eastern Europe adventure--Riga to Vienna to Budapest to Kyiv to Riga--and will have something to write about it, maybe, in the future.

For now, two good Kyiv Post op-eds worth reading if you have not:

How to understand Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko

by Taras Kuzio, rather (correctly) scazing about the man once thought to be contemporary Ukraine's savior

Ukrainians are not that easily fooled
(good analysis of Tymoshenko's past and personality that clarifies why she should be given another chance)

I read somewhere the other day that Our Ukraine had proposed Poroshenko as speaker;if true, that is f**in' ridiculous. Zvarych, Bezsmertnyj and Poroshenko. . .blah